
Tips For Driving in the Fall

Driving in the fall can be a beautiful experience, especially with the colourful foliage and cooler temperatures, but it also comes with challenges. As the season transitions, drivers will encounter various conditions, from warm days to cool nights, sunshine and heavy rain, slippery road conditions and active wildlife. Here are some essential tips from Young Drivers of Canada to help you navigate safely through the fall:

  1. Check Your Vehicle: Before hitting the road, ensure your vehicle is in good working condition. A change of season is a great time to check the tires, brakes, lights, and fluid levels. Proper maintenance is essential to ensure your safety during fall drives. 
  2. Inspect Your Tires: With leaves and rain on the road, traction can be compromised. Make sure your tires have sufficient tread and are properly inflated. Consider switching to winter tires once the temperature drops below 7 degrees Celsius.
  3. Clean Your Windshield and Lights: Falling leaves and debris can quickly accumulate on your windshield and headlights. Keep them clean for optimal visibility, especially during early morning and late afternoon when the sun's glare can be challenging. 

Falling Leaves Mean Slippery Roads!

  1. Watch for Wet Leaves: Wet leaves can be slippery like ice. Drive cautiously and avoid abrupt movements when driving over them. Reduce your speed when approaching leaf-covered roads and be prepared for decreased traction. For a refresher course on handling changing road conditions, visit www.yd.com for more information. 
  2. Beware of Wildlife: Fall is mating and migration season for many animals, making them more active near roads. Consider wildlife crossing signs, especially when animals are most active at dawn and dusk. Avoid driving during these times. 
  3. Prepare for Fog: Fall often brings with it foggy conditions, especially in the morning, due to fluctuating temperatures. Use your fog lights when necessary and reduce speed to maintain a safe following distance.
  4. Adjust to Reduced Daylight: You'll drive in reduced daylight hours as the days get shorter. Ensure your headlights, taillights, and indicators are all functioning correctly. Also, wear sunglasses to reduce glare during sunrise and sunset.
  5. Mind the Rain: Fall can bring a lot of rain, so be prepared for wet roads. Young Drivers of Canada suggests reducing your speed in rainy conditions and increasing your following distance. Ensure your headlights are on to improve visibility.
  6. Stay Alert for Falling Branches: The weight of leaves and rain can make tree branches more likely to fall, especially during windy conditions. Stay vigilant and avoid parking under trees or driving too close to them during windy weather.
  7. Avoid Distractions: Distracted driving is always dangerous, but staying focused during the fall is essential when road conditions change quickly. Put away your phone and avoid eating or multitasking while driving.

In summary, driving in the fall requires extra caution due to changing weather conditions and potential hazards like wet leaves and wildlife. By following these tips and staying vigilant, you can enjoy the season's beauty while keeping yourself and others safe on the road. For more information, visit www.yd.com